
- 姓名: 张泽树
- 性别: 男
- 职称: 副研究员
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- 电子邮件: zszhang@gia.cas.cn
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- 张泽树,1991年生,湖南长沙人,理学博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。
主要从事温室气体(CH4,CO2等)资源化利用研究领域,服务国家碳中和。利用多能量场耦合协同催化模式,结合中国科学院赣江创新研究院稀土全国重点实验室(筹)优势平台,开发具有多能量场响应的稀土催化材料,设计和搭建多场耦合性能评价和原位表征平台,用于温室气体(CH4,CO2等)资源化利用研究。近五年来,在Joule, Nature Communications, Chem Catalysis等学术期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇。先后主持和参与博后面上项目,国家自然科学基金青年项目,科技部重点研发项目等。
简 历:
1. Ding X.#, Zhang Z.#, Sun J., Loh J., Tang S., Safari M., Cai H., Tu W., Kherani N., Hu Z.*, Geoffrey A. Ozin*, Wang L.*, Zou Z. (2023) Vibrationally excited CO2 selectively catalyzes ethane to ethylene dehydrogenation. Joule,7(10), 2318-2334. (co-first author).
2. Lai J., Zhang Z.,*, Yang X., Zhang Y.* (2023) Opening the black box: Insights into the restructuring mechanism to steer catalytic performance, The Innovation Materials, 1(2), 100020.
3. Zhang Z., Tian H., Sun J., Zhang M., Ding X., Meira . M. D., Ji D., Qiu C., Lu Z., Sun L., Tu W., Zhang Y., Yang X., Jane How J., Wang L.*, Tong S. Y.*, Zou Z.* (2023). Light-Enabled Coupling of Tandem Ethane Dehydrogenation and CO2 Hydrogenation. Chem Catalysis, 3(6), 100644.
4. Zhang Z., Mao, C., D bora M., M., Jane Y. Howe, Tu W., Wang L.*, & Geoffrey A. Ozin.* (2022). New Black Indium Oxide – Tandem Photothermal CO2-H2 Methanol Selective Catalyst. Nature Communications, 13(1), 1-8.
5. Zhang Z., Ding, X., Yang, X., Tu, W., Wang, L.*, & Zou, Z.* (2021). Shedding light on CO2: Catalytic synthesis of solar methanol. EcoMat, 3(1), e12078.
6. Zhang Z., Sun, L., Hu, X., Zhang, Y.*, Tian, H., & Yang, X.* (2019). Anti-sintering Pd@ silicalite-1 for methane combustion: Effects of the moisture and SO2. Applied Surface Science, 494, 1044-1054.
7. Zhang Z., Hu, X., Zhang, Y.*, Sun, L., Tian, H., & Yang, X.* (2019). Ultrafine PdOx nanoparticles on spinel oxides by galvanic displacement for catalytic combustion of methane. Catalysis Science & Technology, 9, 6404-6414.
8. Hu, X.#, Zhang Z.#, Zhang, Y., Sun, L., Tian, H., & Yang, X.* (2019) Synthesis of a Highly Active and Stable Pt/Co3O4 Catalyst and Its Application for the Catalytic Combustion of Toluene. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2933-2939. (co-first author)
9. Zhang Z., Li, J., Yi, T., Sun, L., Zhang, Y., Hu, X., ... & Yang, X.* Surface density of synthetically tuned spinel oxides of Co3+ and Ni3+ with enhanced catalytic activity for methane oxidation. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 39(7), 1228-1239.
1. 一种光热催化低碳烷烃脱氢制备烯烃的方法 CN 114602549 A
2. 一种热辐射催化饱和烃脱氢制备不饱和烃的装置及系统 (已授权) CN217392361 U
3. Method of Preparing Unsaturated Hydrocarbons by Black body Photocatalytic Conversion of Saturated Hydrocarbon (Application Number: 17/964,106)