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  • 姓名: 于守泉
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 职务: 
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  • 电话: 
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  • 电子邮件: sqyu@gia.cas.cn
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    简  历:

  • 于守泉,中国科学院赣江创新研究院硕士生导师,副研究员。本科硕士毕业于中国石油大学,2010年博士毕业于中国科学院过程工程研究所,主要从事超高温热结构材料的制备与服役性能表征方面的科研工作,致力于纤维增强陶瓷基复合材料的制备、服役性能表征、超高温陶瓷前驱体合成等方面的基础科研及工程技术应用。先后承担国家自然科学基金多项科研项目,发表论文十余篇,发明专利3项。




  • 1. 陶瓷纤维制备

    2. 超高温陶瓷前驱体合成

    3. 超高温陶瓷基复合材料制备




  • 1. Jiewen Li, Shouquan Yu, Min Ge, Xi Wei, Yangbao Qian, Yang Zhou, Weigang Zhang. Fabrication and characterization of biomorphic cellular C/SiC–ZrC composite ceramics from wood. Ceramics International. 2015, 41 , 7853–7859.

    2. Jiewen Li, ShouquanYu, Yang Zhou, Min Ge , Yangbao Qian, Weigang Zhang. Phase separation in pre-ceramic polymers blends and its influence on the microstructure of ZrC/SiC ceramic derivatives. Materials Letters. 2015, 156, 72–75.

    3. Xiaoxu Lv, Shouquan Yu, Min Ge, Yuelong Tian, Weigang Zhang. Synthesis and microstructure of continuous composite ceramic fibres of ZrC/ZrB2–SiC derived from polymeric precursors. Ceramics International. 2016, 42, 9299–9303.

    4. Jing Tan, Min Ge, Shouquan Yu, Zhenxi Lu, Weigang Zhang. Microstructures and properties of ceramic fibers of h-BN containing amorphous Si3N4. Materials. 2019, 12, 3812.

    5. Yuelong Tian, Min Ge, Weigang Zhang, Xiaoxu Lv & Shouquan Yu. Metallocene Catalytic Insertion Polymerization of 1-Silene to Polycarbosilanes. Scientific Reports 5. 16274 (2015).

    6. 孔玮佳,于守泉,戈敏,等. 碳化锆陶瓷有机前驱体的热解过程.过程工程学报.2019. 19(3): 623-630.



